How To Write Compelling Ad Copy

How do you ensure that your advertisement is spot-on and communicates clearly, with a maximum chance of conversion? It starts with writing compelling ad copy.

Advertising is the best way to get your ideal customers to know that you exist and have the best solution to their problems. From a popular analogy, trying to sell without advertising is like asking a lady out by winking at her in the darkness.

What is an Advertising copy?

Ad copy is a type of content written to persuade the reader or viewer to take a specific action. It involves highlighting the benefits your customers get from using your product or taking the particular action you desire from them.

What is the purpose of ad copy?

As Jim Edwards aptly said, the one and only purpose of an online ad are to get the right people to click and the wrong people to keep scrolling.

Every ad has its specific goal, but all advertising and marketing efforts’ end purpose is to drive sales, conversion rate, and profit. So, while advertising is a marketing tactic that helps you build awareness for your brand and product, the ad copy is what makes your message outstanding.

Regardless of the format you choose to present your ad, your word choice determines if the message is clear and distinct enough to stand out.

Types of ad copy

Ad copy is already defined as the text that accompanies an advert to make the viewer or reader take a specific action. However, based on the type of advert in a campaign, there are several types of ad copy.

Short-form ad copy: this form of ad copy uses the least possible amount of words and characters to convince an audience to take action. It is used in PPC advertising like Google ads, display ads and social media to spur the viewer into taking action.

Click bait: as the name implies, clickbait is structured to trick viewers into clicking a link because the copy has an outrageous, controversial and attention-grabbing headline. Often, a short form of ad copy is employed when other forms do not perform effectively.

Long-form ad copy:unlike short-form ad copy, long-form ad copy uses extensive character length to communicate in detail, such that the audience is convinced without a doubt to take action.

Reviews and Testimonials: as the name suggests, reviews and testimonials give verifiable proof of the effectiveness of your product or service. They work well as ad copy because they build trust, an essential factor in marketing.

Why you should never send out bland ad copy

Bland copy is copy or writing that is generic. It does not elicit any emotion or action. It performs poorly at persuading and convincing and reads cold, like lukewarm food.

When you write a bland ad copy, you risk not getting people’s attention with your message. If your audience does not notice your message, they don’t click your ad. The result is that the goal of your marketing campaign (to make more sales) is defeated.

If you are trying to tell people that your product is a perfect solution to their problem, among competitors, then writing generic copy won’t pass that message across. In other words, you are no different from your competitors. So then how else can you stand out?

Bland ad copy-writing happens when the essence of uniqueness is not found in your copy.

Elements of an ad copy

No two copies are created equal. However, for a copy to be classified as advert-worthy, it must possess the following elements:

  • A clear objective
  • A compelling message
  • Benefits should be attached
  • A call to action.

How to create a highly-converting ad copy

Some memorable ad copies with incredible conversion rates have inspired us in history. They include David Ogilvy’s ad for Rolls Royce, Claude Hopkins Pepsodent ad in 1929, and Ricola’s 2014 ad for cough drop.

These ad copies all sold different products but had something in common that determined the success of their ad. They understood their audience.

Understanding your audience is the first and most important step in creating an ad copy that converts. After that, everything else is centered around this point.

Create a customer avatar: this helps you answer questions about who ideally buys your product?

  • Where are they located?
  • What words do they use?
  • How do they express their ideas? And what do they want?

Define the most valuable aspect of your product: think about the features of your product that are unique and best suited for your customer, according to their wants. Essentially, you want to state how your product solves your customer’s problem in the best possible way.

Define your call-to-action (CTA): now that you have mapped out how your solution fits your target audience, you want them to take action. State that action in the most precise and most concise way possible. CTAs can be: learn more, buy now, shop now, or similar instructions.

Structuring your ad

Every ad has a headline, the main message and a CTA. It is also a plus to use compelling graphics or video.

Headline: your headline should be short and direct, including keywords, especially if you create ads for Google or other search engines. It either asks/states the solution your audience desires or the most major problem they face. In addition, headlines should be gripping enough to make your ideal customer stop their scrolling and read.

The main message: now that you have gained their attention, your main message should communicate how your product gets them from their present undesirable state to their desired future state. It answers their question and eliminates every obstacle/doubt that prevents them from taking action.

Call to action: after getting their attention and selling them on the benefits of your products, compared to competitors, you have to instruct your audience to take the action that seals the deal. Again, your CTA should be simple and direct them to take the specific action that answers their question.

Use Keywords Properly: writing ad copy for Google ads can be tricky, especially if you consider the volume of competition you are up against. However, using keywords in your URL, 1st headline and 1st description can bolster your Google Quality Score and improve the relevance of your ad.
